In compliance with O.R.C. 3321.191, it is the legal responsibility of Glass City Academy, through the Attendance Department, to enforce the Ohio State Compulsory Attendance laws. Attendance records for each child, including exact dates of absence and/or truancy, must be kept for all students. Glass City Academy will perform all legal reporting requirements mandated by this policy.
State Assessment Tests
Glass City Academy is a community school established under Chapter 3314 of the Revised Code. The school is a public school and students enrolled in and attending the school are required to take proficiency tests and other examinations prescribed by law. In addition, there may be other requirements for students at the school that are prescribed by law. Students who have been excused from the compulsory attendance law for the purpose of home education as defined by the Administrative Code shall no longer be excused for that purpose upon their enrollment in a community school.
Student Plans
Students, Parents or Guardians, and the Academic Advisor/Counselor design a personal Graduation Plan including accomplishments and credits already achieved.
Student Plans may include: